Alternative Formats & Training
Alternative formats are provided for curriculum requirements. Formats are determined by individual student need and the ability to provide the curriculum material in the desired format. Possible alternative media formats include Braille, E-text (electronic text), EPUB, Bookshare and large print.
Students prescribed alternative format accommodations are required to have an initial one-time meeting with AEC’s Assistive Technology Trainer. Returning students can schedule follow-up appointments as needed.
Alternative Formats - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- What are Alternative Formats?
Alternative media formats include Braille, e-text (electronic text), and large print. Alternative format is produced for curriculum requirements only and is determined by individual student need and the ability to provide the curriculum material in the desired format.
Students prescribed alternative formats must meet with the Alternative Media Coordinator to discuss and determine appropriate format and receive training on the prescribed assistive technology.
- How do I submit an alternative format request for my textbook?
Students are responsible for requesting alternative formats services each semester they are required. Students should request alternative formats as soon as classes appear in MyAEC. All requests must be submitted via MyAEC Student Portal.
Late requests will be honored provided the student making the request understands CAT will set the timeline for completion of the work accordingly. Late submissions are those requests received after the semester begins.
Step 1: Login to MyAEC
Step 2: On the left side hand side click on Alternative Formats
Step 3: Select the book(s) from list
Step 4: Upload a copy of proof of payment, i,e. book receipts
- What if my textbook is not listed in MyAEC?
If the textbook is not listed, students must submit e-text requests using the Custom Request form located in the alternative formats section. The following information must be included for each book request:
-Book title
-ISBN number (13 digits)
- What happens once I submit my book request?
CAT staff will request digital textbook files directly from the publisher. However, if publisher files are not available, students will have the option of providing their textbook for production.
- How will I receive my alternative format?
CAT personnel will notify the student by their 菠菜网lol正规平台-issued e-mail address when the alternative format is complete and ready to download. CAT will use WeTransfer to send all completed files.
Students will be provided with one alternative format copy for each material required for academic use. This electronic file is copyrighted and may not be reproduced or distributed. Any further reproduction or distribution is an infringement of the laws governing the production and distribution of alternative formats.
- What if I need Curriculum Course Readers, Lab Manuals, Articles, Handouts & Syllabi
in accessible format?
Students will need to ask the instructor if the material(s) is in electronic format. If yes, the instructor should e-mail the electronic copy to the student. Students should then forward file(s) CAT for production.
If the information is available on a web site (i.e., New York Times, San Jose Mercury News, etc.), students should email the website address to CAT for production.
If the material is not available in electronic format students will need to drop off a hard copy to CAT for production.
- What is the Alternative Format Approximate Turn-Around Time?
Every effort will be made to provide alternative formats in a timely manner. Production time for alternative format requests is determined on a case-by-case basis upon review of material to be formatted and converted. AEC strives to make every effort in working with publishers to submit requests, however it is important to know that once a request has been made there are no guarantees that the publisher will respond in a timely manner. The following durations are approximate turn-around times for the corresponding alternative media format:
- E-books ordered directly from publisher: 3 to 6 weeks.
- Book or files being produced by CAT: 10 working days; production time could be extended depending on the format of the textbook and the time of semester the request is placed.
- Course notes, syllabi, articles: 48 to 72 hours.
- Braille request submitted in electronic format: varies; please contact to have your request evaluated for an estimation of completion time.